Roberto Marcello Baldessari Italian, 1894-1965


Roberto Marcello Baldessari was a creative visual artist, Roberto Marcello Baldessari was born in 1894 and died in 1965. Artists Dorothy Pendennis BissellIvan A. PuniNan BriggsMabel Bonney, and Simone André-Maurois are of the same generation.


Roberto Marcello Baldessari was born in 1894 and was primarily inspired creatively by the 1900s and 1910s. The first major Post-impressionism movement in the early years of the twentieth century is generally considered to be the Fauves, a group for whom vivid, other-worldly colours and vibrant brushstrokes were a key component of painting, and who counted Henri Matisse as a member. In Paris during the same time, a young Pablo Picasso painted his famed Blue and Rose periods. By the end of the 1920s, along with Georges Braque, he had developed the first fracturing of illustrative reality with Analytical Cubism. The horrors of the First World War spawned significant developments in the psychological applications of art, including the absurdist stylings of Dadaism which materialised in Paris, Berlin, Zurich and Hannover, and which brought recognition for artists like Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia, Hannah Höch and Kurt Schwitters. Many of these ideas would go on to flourish further in Surrealism - the primary art movement to fully incorporate psychology, and in particular ideas about the unconscious which had been established by Sigmund Freud and his disciple Carl Jung.